Recent Projects

Recent Project have included:

  • 2023:

    • Supported multiple EPC Technical Bid Evaluations for the onshore CO2 compression facility and offshore CO2 injection for the Liverpool Bay CCS T&S Project.

    • Lead Safety & Environment engineer during Concept phase for Bacton Net Zero Project in the South of England and Southern North Sea. Scope included multiple onshore gathering systems, marine terminal, onshore compression facility and offshore injection platform.

  • 2024:

    • Developed a UK Offshore Safety Case Material Change strategy for eight UKCS offshore assets for the transition from hydrocarbon production to CCS CO2 injection and from production to decommissioning, dismantlement and final removal.

    • Supported the UK Offshore Safety Case and OPEP Thorough Review for a mobile accommodation unit (floatel).

    • Supported the UK Offshore Safety Case and OPEP development and NAI support for a mobile accommodation unit (floatel).

    • HAZOP & LOPA scribing for an LNG regasification terminal partial debottlenecking.

    • Multiple CCS Emitter Interface HAZID, ENVID & HAZOP facilitation

    • Developed Safety & Environment Critical Element (SECE) Performance Standard Requirements register and supported 5 x UK Safety Case Material Change submissions for Liverpool Bay CCS Phase 1 decommissioning (Flush & Clean, Well P&A, Well sidetrack and topside removal preparatory works)

red and white tower under blue sky during night time
red and white tower under blue sky during night time
red and white tower during nighttime
red and white tower during nighttime
a couple of large metal tanks sitting on top of a dirt field
a couple of large metal tanks sitting on top of a dirt field